The David McWilliams Podcast

The David McWilliams Podcast

The aim of this weekly podcast is to make economics easy, uncomplicated and accessible. With the world at a political, technological and financial tipping point, economics has never been so important to all of us and yet, it’s made inaccessible and complicated by so many. Produced by John Davis.

Dublin, Ireland

#102 - How to end this Lockdown for good!

14/01/2021 | 41 mins.
The David McWilliams Podcast

We still have time to do a New Zealand, with the vaccine roll out going so slowly, can we do a Taiwan and be out and about my St Patrick's Day? We talk zero Covid with Prof Aoife McLyset: How we can administer an economic vaccine while we wait with a bit of imagination, plus what the new biotech revolution - ushered in by the mRNA vaccine - means for all of us.

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