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Contact Us

What We Do.

Spoken Word Search

We are an AI-powered service, providing the ability to find any spoken words across an entire media catalog.


Whether it’s a University lecture, a corporate seminar or a podcast, we can index it all, and filter results by speakers, published date and duration.

No Extra Costs

For content creators, we leverage existing online media platforms, so there’s no extra ongoing hosting costs to cover. For consumers, our service is completely free.

How It Works.

Media Content
The content runs through our unique process
Your content is now fully searchable by spoken keywords and phrases via our search engine

Our Progress.


Media minutes processed


Keywords mined


Links generated

Who We Are.

Brian Caffrey
Creator & Founder

Brian founded Audalog in 2019. Initially it started out as a passion project, to attempt to solve the problem of not being able to find old material in his favourite podcasts.

Several iterations later, this is his solution.

Get In Touch.

We’d love to hear from you.
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+61 479 086 118
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