The Adam Buxton Podcast

The Adam Buxton Podcast

British comedian Adam Buxton talks with interesting people. The rambly conversations are sometimes funny, sometimes more serious with funny bits. Adam makes the jingles and records the intros and outros for most episodes while walking with his dog friend Rosie in the East Anglian countryside where he lives with his wife and three children.

Norwich, UK


25/10/2019 | 74 mins.
The Adam Buxton Podcast - #106 - Shoshana Zuboff

Adam talks with American author and academic, Shoshana Zuboff whose book The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power is about how the big tech companies (Google and Facebook especially) are employing increasingly sophisticated methods to watch how we behave on line and using that data not only to sell us things, but also to make predictions about our future behaviour and even the kind of opinions we 're likely to have. This predictive data is some instances then traded to other companies and organisations seeking to gain a financial or a political advantage by knowing how customers, or voters, might behave.

Thanks to Séamus Murphy-Mitchell for production support and Matt Lamont for additional editing.

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